
Learning About Home Decor Elements

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Learning About Home Decor Elements

Hi there, my name is Gerald. Welcome to my website about home décor. I am excited to help you decide how to decorate the interior and exterior of your home. I will talk about all of the different elements you can use to spruce up your living space. My site will cover the materials and supplies you need on hand to whip up DIY décor items or update your existing components. I invite you to use the information on my site to improve the look and feel of your home. Thank you for coming to visit my site about home décor.

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What You Should Know About Using Fungicides To Treat Dutch Elm Disease

Dutch elm disease is an insidious and highly deadly fungal disease spread by a species of beetle. It has quickly decimated many populations of elms in the United States. The good news is, if you catch the problem soon enough, you may be able to prevent tree death through the injection of fungicides, thus preventing the need for tree removal. If you would like to learn more about how such fungicides work, read on. This article will provide a useful overview to the subject.

The Basics

There are a variety of different fungicides currently on the market. Such fungicides are considered a suitable treatment option for trees that have become infected with Dutch elm disease through infestation by bark beetles. On the other hand, it is not considered effective in treating trees that have contracted Dutch elm by means of root graft--that is, trees whose roots have become intertwined with neighboring infected trees. That's because, even if completely eradicated, the disease will simply find its way back into the tree through the graft.

Fungicides are introduced into the tree by means of injection. In other words, they use the tree's vascular system as a means of delivering the drug throughout the tree. Careful consideration must be given to the amount of fungicide injected. If too little, the drug may not reach a high enough concentration to successfully kill the fungus in all parts of the tree.

Injection Methods

There are two principal strategies for injecting fungicide into an elm tree: microinjection and macroinjection. Microinjection involves the introduction of a small amount of highly concentrated fungicide. This volume of fungicide is forcefully injected into the tree through a series of holes drilled carefully into the trunk. Macroinjection, on the other hand, utilizes a much higher volume of low concentration fungicide. This strategy by either involve pressurized injection, or unpressurized infusion, using similar holes at the base of the tree trunk.

Macroinjection has been shown to more effectively distribute the fungicide throughout all parts of the tree--including the crown. Yet it carries certain drawbacks as well. These include the risk of injection wounds, discoloration, and decay. The literature on microinjection is much less thorough, and professional opinion is divided about whether it offers as high a chance of success. Skeptics argue that it may not yield adequate distribution. That said, it remains a popular choice thanks to the fact that the fungicide comes in pressurized canisters that are completely self-contained and do not need any additional water.

Tree removal might be necessary for one or two trees in the are and they should be removed as quickly as possible to prevent the spread of the disease.