A Lawn Sprinkler System Helps You Grow A Healthy And Attractive Lawn
A healthy green lawn improves the curb appeal of your property. However, it's difficult to keep your grass healthy if it doesn't get enough water. When you have a lawn sprinkler system installed, the system will water your grass automatically so you never have to worry about your grass turning brown during long stretches of no rain.
Here are some reasons to install a sprinkler system, some features to look for when you buy one, and a look at the installation process.
Reasons To Install A Lawn Sprinkler System
Water not only keeps your grass healthy, it has other indirect effects that help you grow a lush lawn. When your grass is healthy, it can keep weeds at bay, and your yard is much more attractive when weeds are under control. Healthy grass can also fight off infections and insects.
A benefit of a sprinkler system is that it works automatically so you never forget to water the grass. Plus, sprinkler lines are buried under the ground. That eliminates the need to drag a hose all over your yard to set up a surface sprinkler.
Features To Look For In A Sprinkler System
Sprinkler systems are different and come with different prices. Compare systems from different manufacturers to see what works best for your property and budget. Helpful features to have include a rain-sensing device that saves water by not allowing the sprinklers to turn on if it's raining and the ability to program the sprinklers.
You can even buy smart sprinklers that check the weather forecast and calculate when to turn on and how long to stay on based on weather conditions and how fast moisture evaporates from the soil. A sprinkler system with the WaterSense certification label has controls and features that help you conserve water while keeping your grass hydrated.
Installation Requirements For A Sprinkler System
A lawn sprinkler system connects to your home's plumbing. The lines are buried under the ground and lead to sprinkler heads at various places in your yard. The heads are positioned so there are no spots of grass that don't receive water and so water doesn't spray in the street.
The installation requires digging shallow trenches in your yard to bury the lines. Once the system is in place, the sod is put back down (or new sod is installed), and your sprinklers are ready to help you grow a healthy and beautiful lawn.
Summer weather can be erratic, and when many days pass without rain, it takes a toll on your lawn. When you have a sprinkler system in place, you won't have to worry about your grass getting brown and crunchy. For more information on lawn sprinkler systems, contact a local sprinkler contractor.