Updating The Shower In Your Bathroom With New Glass Doors
If you have an older shower or tub in your bathroom, adding a glass shower door system to the tub or a single door and glass wall around a stand-up shower can help update the look. A glass shower door system also has additional benefits that can be valuable to the homeowner, and there are many different styles and options, so you should be able to find one that works in your space.
Professional Installation
One thing to consider if you upgrade your bathroom and add a glass shower door is the installation process. Often, installing the doors is not overly complicated, but they need to be square to the walls and level to open and close properly. A sliding door system on a tub will sit on the edge of the tub, making it a little easier to ensure the track and doors are level, but a swinging glass door on a stand-up unit requires hanging the door and the glass panels like a standard doorway and, therefore, can be more challenging to put in.
Most residential glass companies can install a set of glass shower doors in your bathroom for you and they offer a wide variety of doors and sliders to choose from. If you want to have the doors put in for you, stop by the glass shop or showroom to look over the kinds of doors you can choose from, and talk to the representative there about the cost and time involved in installing the doors.
Shower Door Treatments
If you want to add a frosted or tinted look to your current glass shower door, you may want to check with the local glass company about adding some window film to the door to achieve the look you are after. When the film is added correctly, it will add some privacy to the glass and still allow light to pass through. A glass window film with a frosted look could be applied to the door in a pattern or cut out with a machine to create a unique style, design, or image on the doors that will prevent people from seeing into the shower while still allowing you the open feel of the glass doors. The glass company can install the film quickly and use a product designed to withstand the water and steam from the shower.
The nice thing about using a window film to create the look you are after is that it can be removed later if you decide you don't need it or want it on the door anymore. You can also purchase frosted doors from the glass company if you see a style you like or add doors that are already tinted, but tinted doors often require some additional lighting in the shower because they reduce the light coming in from other parts of the room.
For more information, pop over here to learn about glass shower doors.